AISS holds launching ceremony “The Envoy”

On August 04, 2016, the Afghan Institute for Strategic Studies (AISS) hosted the launching ceremony of the Persian translated edition of “The Envoy”. The author of “The Envoy” is Dr. Zalmay Khalilzad, former U.S. Ambassador to Afghanistan and Iraq. The book is translated into Persian/Dari by Harun Najafizada, a prominent Afghan journalist.

Mr. Najafizada inaugurated the event by introducing the book and briefed the audiences of its contents . Former Afghan foreign minister Dr. Rangin Dadfar Spanta provided his assessment of the book, including the role that Ambassador Khalizad played in post 2001 era in Afghanistan. Dr Nasir Andisha, deputy foreign minister of Afghanistan also shared his view about the book. The event was attended by representatives from the Afghan government, Parliament, civil society, academia, and media agencies.
