اخبار انستیتوت

AISS–Chinese Embassy held Joint Seminar on “Governance”

  ۲۶ دلو ۱۳۹۳

The Afghan Institute for Strategic Studies (AISS) co-parted in a joint seminar with the Chinese Embassy in Kabul to discuss the concept of governance in China. The seminar brought together Afghan participants from the government, academia, media and political parties alongside Chinese diplomats. The Chinese Ambassador provided a summary of the...

AISS Conducts a two-day Training for Its Upcoming Projects

  ۱۲ دلو ۱۳۹۳



Afghan Institute for Strategic Studies (AISS) organized a two-day training for its upcoming projects, “Radicalization Trends in Religious Madrassa’s in Afghanistan” and “Anti-Corruption Mapping in Afghanistan”. This training was attend by 15 field researchers from 12 provinces of Afghanistan. Importance of research, ty...

Mr. David Sedney and Prof. Shahrbanou Tadjbakhsh Join AISS’s Board of Advisers

  ۰۶ دلو ۱۳۹۳


AISS is honored and welcomes Dr. David Sedney, former Assistant Secretary of Defense for Afghanistan-Pakistan and Central Asia in the Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense for Asian and Pacific Security Affairs, and Professor Shahrbanou Tadjbakhsh, Head of specialized program on Human Security at the Master’s of Public Affa...

AISS Releases a Book on “Culture, Rituals and Beliefs of Afghanistan’s People”

  ۰۵ دلو ۱۳۹۳



Afghan Institute for Strategic Studies (AISS) released “Culture, Rituals and Beliefs of Afghanistan’s People” book with an emphasize on enhancing Afghanistan’s cultural relations with its neighboring countires. This book is consisted of seven chapter which each focuses on different aspect of Afghans’ life. This valuabl...

AISS Attended the China-Pakistan-Afghanistan Trilateral Dialogue

  ۳۰ قوس ۱۳۹۳


AISS researcher and representative, Mr. Abdul Kabir Salehi participated in the China-Pakistan-Afghanistan Trilateral Dialogue which was hosted and organized by the Chinese People’s Association for Peace and Disarmament (CPAPD) from 12th to 21st December in Beijing, the Capital of China. The event included several bilateral and tri...