AISS representative attends “The role of women and youth in conflict prevention in

The Afghan Institute for Strategic Studies (AISS) representative Mr. Mohammad Erfani attended in a regional seminar entitled “The role of women and youth in conflict prevention in Central Asia” concluded today in Almaty, Kazakhstan. The event was organized by the UN Regional Center for Preventive Diplomacy for Central Asia (UNRCCA) in cooperation with the UN-Women Multi-country Office of in Central Asia (UN-Women) and the Regional Office of the UN Population Fund (UNFPA) for Eastern Europe and Central Asia.
Representatives from Institutes of Strategic Studies and relevant state structures of the five Central Asian states, Afghanistan, Azerbaijan and Iran, regional and international organizations as well as independent experts from the region and beyond gathered in Almaty to exchange views on the ways to increase the role of women and youth in conflict prevention and peacebuilding in Central Asia.

The topics of discussion during the seminar included, among others, the efforts of Central Asian authorities in strengthening the engagement of women and youth in conflict prevention and peace building and the role of the United Nations and other regional and international actors in promoting peace and inclusive development.

This event was part of the series of strategic dialogues on security related challenges that UNRCCA annually conducts with the academic and expert community in Central Asia
