AISS representative attends “De-radicalization” Symposium in Diffa, Niger

The Afghan Institute for Strategic Studies (AISS) representative attended in International Symposium on the de-radicalization of young people and the reintegration Boko Haram militants who have repented. The aim of the symposium was to exchange views on conflict resolution, de-radicalization and reintegration of ex-combatants in the countries bordering the Lake Chad Basin. The participants also discussed past de-radicalization activities in Africa and, the world.
The three days symposium was co-organized by French embassy in Niamey and Diffa University from 15-17 May, 2017 in Diffa, Niger. The participants were researchers, regional MPs and diplomats, representatives of NGOs and government, as well as members of the religious and civil communities of Niger, African and Asian countries.
