The 2nd round of Afghanistan-Iran Cultural Dialogue

The second round of the “Afghanistan-Iran Cultural Dialogue” was organized by the Afghan Institute for Strategic Studies in Kabul on November 28, 2017. The main theme of this round of the dialogue was “Immigration”.
An eleven member Iranian delegation, led by the former Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs, Dr. Sayed Rasoul Mousavi, represented Iran. The Iranian delegation was comprised of academics, researchers, and professors from Allameh Tabatabai University and Tehran University. From Afghanistan, representatives from the Afghan government, Parliament, civil society, academia, and media agencies were also in attendance.
The focus of the dialogue was on the challenges and opportunities facing Afghan immigrant in Iran. During this dialogue four working sessions were held discussing the themes of “Relationship between Iran and Afghanistan”, “Afghans: Perspectives”, “Migration of Human Tragedy: Opportunities”, and “Challenges; The Way Forwards”.
The first round of the “Afghanistan-Iran Cultural Dialogue” was held in Tehran on December 4-5, 2016. This series of cultural dialogues is being co-organized by the Afghan Institute for Strategic Studies (AISS) in collaboration with the Allameh Tabataba'i University (ATU).
