The 6th Herat Security Dialogue (HSD-VI)

The 6th round of Herat Security Dialogue, hosted by the Afghan Institute for Strategic Studies (AISS) was held in Herat on 13 and 14 of October 2017. Experts, researchers, university professors, politicians, members of civil society and diplomats from 17 countries were participated in the conference. The main theme of this round of Herat Security Dialogue, “the future of Nation- States” was discussed in six panels focusing on important issues facing nation- states at regional and international levels.
In an opening press conference, director of the AISS, emphasized that “security dialogue is a long term process and its results only could be understood within a decade”.
During the first day of the conference, speakers explained their perspectives in four panels.
The first panel on topic of “Nation-States: Blessing or curse?” was an introductory to the concept/institution of nation-state, including looking at its European origin and evolution to a global model of political organization and exploring its relevance to contemporary political developments around the world.
The second panel formed around this question: “Can Nation-states Survive 21st Century? “This panel focused on highlighting major issues/questions that are faced by nation-states across the globe, from managing societal diversity to the geo-politics, globalization and cyber-security.
“The State in Islamic Thought & Practices: Idealism; Realism; Disappointment” was the topic of the third panel. This panel was dedicated to discuss the concept of nation-state in Islamic discourses and practices. International experts and intellectuals from Afghanistan talked about their own point of view.
Ending the first day of the conference, panel four was held with the topic of “The Arduous road of state-building in Afghanistan: Legitimacy; Capacity; Hegemony”. The overall objective of the panel was to shed light on different dimensions of state building in Afghanistan with a focus for future. The political/electoral/constitutional reforms have been among the discursive issues.
The second day of the conference started with panel five on the topic of “Democratic State; Democratic Society; Future of Democracy”. The main theme of this panel was to discuss the relations between state and society and the future of democracy in our region.
And finally the last panel was “Special Session on US' New Strategy for Afghanistan/Region”. In this panel new US Strategy for Afghanistan and the region & bilateral relations of India, Pakistan, China, Russia & U.S. with Afghanistan were discussed by participants from Russia, Unites States, China, Iran, India, Pakistan and Afghanistan.
Herat Security Dialogue has been held in Herat since six years ago as a platform for exchange of thoughts and discussion among local, regional and international policy makers.
The conference full report, photos and videos will be soon available on HSD page.
