The AISS attends 10th IDSA South Asia Conference

The Afghan Institute for Strategic Studies (AISS) participated at the 10th IDSA South Asia Conference, which was took place in Delhi India from March 28 to 29 2017. The conference aimed to address lack of physical connectivity within the region and explore the possible way forward to transform South Asia into one of the most economically integrated regions the in the world. During the conference, speakers from Afghanistan, India, Nepal, Maldives, Bangladesh, Pakistan, Seri Lanka, Myanmar delivered speeches on variety of aspects in relation to the strengthening of connectivity in South Asia. Conditions of connectivity in the region particularly the existing opportunities and challenges were among key subject of discussions. During the 3rd Panel “Chabahar Port: a strategic opportunity”, the AISS presented its findings on Chabahar agreement, a consensus signed by Afghanistan, India and Iran that will give Afghanistan access to Mumbai through port of Calamari in the Iranian city of Chabahar. A detailed report of the conference will be released soon by the AISS.
