“Trends of Radicalization among the Ranks of the Afghan National Police”

AISS releases a research paper on “Trends of Radicalization among the Ranks of the Afghan National Police”

AISS released the fourth series of research papers dedicated to examining the trends in radicalization across the various sectors throughout Afghanistan. This research paper studies trends of Radicalization among the Ranks of the Afghan National police. The study used a combination of qualitative and quantitative approach in in order to find answer for the following main Meta questions: 1) to what extent do individuals accept the modernization and democratization of Afghanistan?  2), to what extent individuals hold extreme interpretations of Islam? And 3) to what extend individuals are receptive to and appreciative of internationally accepted norms and values?

Making the distinction between political deviance (PD), religious extremism (RE), and social intolerance (SI), 1498 uniformed rank and file personnel, 151 commissioned officers, and 8 uniformed religious leaders from among the ANP are surveyed on their views toward: The political system in Afghanistan, Anti-government elements including the Taliban,  Democracy in light of Islamic values, And women and human rights. The study was conducted in 11 provinces of Afghanistan.

Detailed report of this event in English

Available in English File

Detailed report of this event in Farsi

Available in Persian File
