اخبار انستیتوت

AISS releases “Corruption mapping in Afghanistan” survey outcomes in Herat & Mazar-e-Sharif

  ۰۷ سنبله ۱۳۹۴

The Afghan Institute for Strategic Studies (AISS) organized launching ceremony to release, its recent published report, “Corruption mapping in Afghanistan” survey outcomes in the Western and northern city of Herat and Mazar-e-Sharif. The press conferences took place on Monday 24th in Herat and on Wednesday 26th August 2015, in Mazar-e-Sharif, w...

AISS Releases “Corruption Mapping in Afghanistan” Research Report

  ۲۴ اسد ۱۳۹۴

Afghan Institute for Strategic Studies (AISS) releases “Corruption mapping in Afghanistan” survey outcomes focusing on assessment of people’s understanding and viewpoint from corruption in 12 provinces of Afghanistan including Kabul, Herat, Balkh, Kandahar, Bamyan, Badghis, Badakhshan, Kunar, Nangarhar, Jawzjan, Parwan and Kunduz.


AISS hosted a meeting on Afghan Peace process

  ۱۰ اسد ۱۳۹۴

The Afghan Institute for Strategic Studies hosted a luncheon meeting to discuss latest developments related to Afghan peace process. The meeting brought together Ambassador of India, Amar Sinha, former Pakistani envoy to Afghanistan, Ambassador Ayaz Wazir, former Refugees Affairs Minister & Peace activist, Dr Farugh Azam, member of the Afghan d...

High Tea with Ambassador of Iran .H.E. Ambassador Mohammad Reza Bahrami

  ۰۸ اسد ۱۳۹۴

The Afghan Institute for Strategic Studies (AISS) was pleased to host Iranian Ambassador, H.E. Mohammad Reza Bahrami, in Kabul as part of the “High Tea with the Ambassador” lecture series.

Government officials, members of parliament, academia as well as civil society activists attended the event.

AISS Director, Dr. Davood Mo...

Iran deal: A possible game-changer for Afghanistan

  ۰۱ اسد ۱۳۹۴

Iran’s nuclear agreement has created a political and geostrategic earthquake in the Middle East and beyond, including accelerating the reform movement within Iran andempowering democratic constituencies in the Islamic world.

Liberated from external containment and internal suppression, Iran could now help itself, the region and the wi...