اخبار انستیتوت

AISS releases its research paper on ‘Peace’

  ۲۳ جدی ۱۳۹۵

Today (Jan 12th, 2017), the Afghan Institute for Strategic Studies (AISS) its latest research paper, titled, “Four Decades of Efforts for Peace and Reconciliation in Afghanistan: Analysis of The Impediments and Barriers to Sustainable Peace”.
This research paper has investigated all active factors and components involved in causing and d...

German Official Visits AISS

  ۲۰ جدی ۱۳۹۵

Dr. Ulrich Ernst, Chargé d’Affaires of the German Embassy in Kabul paid a visit to the Afghan Institute for Strategic Studies (AISS) and held a meeting with Director General of AISS. At the meeting, the two sides exchanged views on ongoing political, security, economic and regional developments and the prospects of further strengthening Afghani...

Round-table on “Overviewing of Russia Policy in Afghanistan”

  ۱۶ جدی ۱۳۹۵

On 5th January 2017, the Afghan Institute for Strategic Studies (AISS) organized a roundtable under the title of “Overview of Russia Policy in Afghanistan”. The panel was moderated by Ms. Wazhma Frogh, advisor to the Ministry of Defense and Director at Women and Peace Studies Organization. The speakers of the panel were ambassador Sultan Ahmad...

Winners of 2016 “Avicenna International Award for Intercultural Cooperation for Peace”

  ۰۸ جدی ۱۳۹۵

Winners of 2016 “Avicenna International Award for Intercultural Cooperation for Peace”

The Afghan Institute for Strategic Studies (AISS) is pleased to announce the selection of the winners of its first annual award, “Avicenna International Award for Intercultural Cooperation for Peace” for 2016. The a...

Round Table on “Assessment of Recent Heart of Asia Conference”

  ۲۶ قوس ۱۳۹۵

On 15 December 2016, The Afghan Institute for Strategic Studies (AISS) organized a roundtable to discuss the 6th Ministerial conference of the Heart of Asia/Istanbul process which was held in Armistar, India on 3-4 December, 2016. Ambassador of India, Mr Vohra and Mr Amir Ramin, Director of Regional Cooperation of Afghanistan’s Ministr...