AISS Holds Launching Ceremony & Roundtable Panel on Heart of Asia Process

On Monday June 23, 2014, the much-anticipated launching ceremony of the AISS Heart of Asia Process (HoAP) report was held at the institute’s lovely courtyard. Some sixty attendees of Process’ member states and organizations listened to four panelists discussing the HoAP and the report. Richard Ghiasy, co-author of the report, elaborated on the findings. These underlined the Process’ remarkable achievements to date, and impediments to further progress. Ms. Roya Rahmani, Director-General of the Regional Cooperation Directorate (RCD) at the Afghan Ministry of Foreign Affairs, which is the Process’ hub, reflected on the HoAP and the report’s findings. H.E. Ambassador Jawed Ludin (retd), who is widely considered the Afghan initiator of the Process in his former capacity as deputy foreign minister, shed light on the origins of the Process and how there has been somewhat of a divergence between the desires for the Process and ground realities. The fourth panelist, H.E. Ambassador Richard Stagg of the British Embassy reiterated that the Process is a useful institutional vehicle for not only Afghanistan but for all member states:
“The Heart of Asia Process has an important role to help bring the countries of the region closer together. By working together to help support a stable, secure and prosperous Afghanistan, the prospects for the whole of the region can be improved. The United Kingdom is proud to support this initiative. I hope the Afghan Institute for Strategic Studies’ timely report will help inspire the Process to build on its success over the coming years.”
The panelists’ reflections were followed by a Q&A session during which some critical questions were asked about the report and the Process. The event was followed by a wonderful Afghan barbeque. In harmony with the AISS’ commitment to scholarly reflections on regional affairs and facilitation of regional dialogue this report is the first of a series of analyses on the HoAP.
For a PDF copy of this first report please click here.