High Tea with Ambassador Series Pt.V: Russian Ambassador H.E Andrey Avetisyan

Sunday, September 15, 2013
The Afghan Institute for Strategic Studies (AISS) was pleased to host H.E. Andrey Avetisyan, the Russian Ambassador in Kabul, as a part of the “High Tea with the Ambassador” series.
Government and military officials as well as civil society and Afghan media members attended the event.
In his speech, Mr. Avetisyan addressed Russia’s involvement and continued interest in Afghanistan and the surrounding region. He noted that the Russian government favored a stable Afghanistan and would provide support to reach that goal, although it may not come in the form of weapons arsenals. Following his address, Mr. Avetisyan answered questions from guests.
When questioned about the upcoming elections this April, Mr. Avetisyan stated their importance to the Afghan people.The session ended and the discussion continued the remainder of the night over tea.