Translation of the Booklet on “Gender Apartheid in Afghanistan”

Translation of books/ articles is one of the important series of instruments for AISS in order to contribute to ongoing efforts in consolidating Afghanistan’s fragile achievements, realize the nation’s immense human and natural resources, and highlight the current issues concerning the nation internally and at the broader context. The upcoming translation which will be launched on May 29, 2023, is the translation of the “Booklet on Gender Apartheid in Afghanistan&rdqu...

Dr. Rangin Dadfar Spanta’s Speech at the Second Round of the Vienna Talks

Dr. Rangin Dadfar Spanta’s Speech at the Second Round of the Vienna Talks  Vienna, the capital of Austria, April 24-26, 2023   I am glad to have been given the opportunity to speak at the Second Vienna Conference/Vienna Meeting on Afghanistan. It is a great pleasure that, once more, I get to meet my dear friends and fellow countrymen on this fortuitous occasion. I hope we can have a result-oriented...

Dr. Rabia Khan, joined  AISS as a Postdoctoral Researcher

Rabia joined the Afghan Institute for Strategic Studies and University of Sussex as a Postdoctoral Researcher. She completed her Ph.D. on Hazara ethnic consciousness from SOAS University of London. She also holds an LLM in Human Rights from the same institute.

Avicenna International Award for Intercultural Cooperation for Peace-IV Award Ceremony

July 2023 - London Real and often perceived differences contribute and drive conflicts within and across societies and nations. Bridging such differences through dialogue is vital in preventing, resolving and transforming conflicts as well as realizing our collective potential in building a more humane, just and peaceful world. In line with AISS’ core objective in promoting understanding and cooperation through dialogue, Afghanistan’s...

Iran, Al-Qaeda and the Taliban; Close Relations between Shiite and Sunni Fundamentalists: A Strategic Move or a Matter of Expediency?

By Rahmatullah Nabil In this commentary, Rahmatullah Nabil, the former Head of the National Directorate of Security of Afghanistan (2010-2015), discusses the relations between the Islamic Republic of Iran, the Taliban and Al-Qaeda. The appointment of two prominent and seasoned Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) officers with close ties to the Taliban as the new Ambassador and Deputy Ambassador of Iran in Afghanistan, and the handing over of the Afgha...

Taliban's Gender Apartheid: Global Solidarity; British Responsibility
Speech by Dr. Davood Moradian, AISS DG, UK House of Lords, Rahela Trust Annual Lecture: How Can Women Access Education & Work in Afghanistan Today

How Can Women Access Education and Work in Afghanistan Today Taliban's Gender Apartheid: Global Solidarity; British Responsibility   AISS DG, Dr. Davood Moradian’s Speech at the UK House of Lords, February 27, 2023   Text of the Speech:   Baroness Hodgson, Madam Siddiqi, Ladies and, Gentlemen! It is my honou...

Human Smuggling Networks Operating on Routes Crossing the English Channel

Since 2019, the number of migrants and refugees irregularly crossing the English Channel has surged – these journeys are facilitated by human smuggling networks. These irregular journeys pose significant protection risks to those on the move, as evidenced by the high number of deaths recorded. While irregular migration across the English Channel has received significant media attention, in-depth research exploring the dynamics of the human smuggling networks underpinning this...

The Afterlives of Urban Muslim Asia: Alternative Imaginaries of Society and Polity

In the context of upheaval in Muslim Asia, studies of the region's urban centers and migrant communities can offer critical insights into identities that transcend sectarian and national identity and enable greater sensitivity in heritage preservation. Yet, it is widely accepted that conflict and large-scale migrations over the past century, of minorities and Muslims, have led to 'decosmopolitanisation'. AISS is implementing a cultural heritage project entitled...