
Herat Security Dialogue-X- Opening Session

HSD-X-Panel I: Afghanistan’s Arduous Struggle for Constitutional State

HSD-X-Panel II: Geopolitical Blackhole: Afghanistan; Regional Consensus

HSD-X-Panel III- Afghan Women: Betrayal; Apartheid; Resistance

HSD-X-Panel IV: Terrorism: Sacred Violence; State Instrument

HSD-X-Panel V: Nowruzistan: Shared Heritage; Civic Space and Social Movements

HSD-X-Panel VI: Afghanistan: Global Responsibility; Synergistic Approach; UN Role

Panel VII: The Way Forward: Healing; Realism; Resilience

Special Panel: Conversation with Mr. Ahmad Masoud, Leader of the National Resistance Movement

Herat Security Dialogue-X- Note of Thanks and Closing Session

ضیافت فرهنگی و کنسرت ویژه استاد اميرجان صبوري - كنفراس امنيتي هرات