Speech Dr. Rangin Dadfar Spanta
Speech Dr. Rangin Dadfar Spanta at the twelfth round of the Herat Security Dialogue
Good morning, ladies and gentlemen,
We, the Afghan diaspora, have also carried with us our cherished belongings as we have exiled from our homeland. We have had the privilege of bringing the Heart Security Conference from the historic city of Herat to Dushanbe and from Dushanbe to Madrid, an opportunity made possible by Dr. Moradian and his team. I would like to express my sincere gratitude to my friend Moradain, who has created global opportunities for our struggle and fight during these challenging times.
Life in exile is always accompanied by a sense of sorrow. Those who have been forcibly displaced often find themselves reflecting on moments of great personal significance.
They are compelled to think about the involuntary departure from a homeland they held dear and for which they had fought to improve the lives of its people.
The involuntary nature of this departure, and the subsequent separation from their homeland and the soil they had become established in, is a emotional aspect of their experience. Like the sand of the desert, an exile is subject to the caprices of the wind, which can carry them to the depths of loneliness or a state of nowhere.
Despite the establishment of a new homeland, the future for an exile is not the present location, but rather the place from which they originated
Esteemed guests,
We recognize the potential for contradictory views on how best to advance the cause of peace, and we respect the opinions of all involved. We have consistently voiced our support for peaceful dialogue with the Taliban, a position that has been echoed by many within our society, including politicians, civil movements, and women's rights organizations.
However, we have not yet received any feedback from Taliban.
The Afghan people and the international community share a common desire for stability and peace in Afghanistan. While there is a clear alignment of interests, it is important to acknowledge the shifts in global power dynamics and geopolitical landscape of the twenty-one century, which have led to a transformation of priorities and policies worldwide. For the Afghan people, the primary concern remains the salvation of their nation from the oppressive regime of the Taliban. It is important to acknowledge that anti-Taliban movements within Afghanistan are hindered by a lack of a cohesive, inclusive political alternative with clearly defined objectives such as democracy, the rule of law, and social justice.
Furthermore, it would be constructive to consider the possibility that the international community, regional and neighbouring countries have not established a unified policy towards Afghanistan. Geopolitical rivalries and ideological differences have led to the emergence of two opposing forces in relation to Afghanistan.
The global community's rivalry with the countries of our region and neighbors has, it could be argued, made it increasingly difficult to achieve peace in Afghanistan. It may, therefore, be advisable to concentrate our political and civil struggles in foreign policy on steering global policies for cooperation and alignment regarding Afghan issues.
The contemporary Taliban movement has established extensive networks with foreign nations, making it challenging to assert exclusive or total domination over them by any single power or state.
This is evidenced by the fact that even Pakistan, which had been a primary supporter of the Taliban, has lost that status.
The ongoing crisis, in conjunction with the activities of international terrorist groups in Afghanistan, has resulted in increased instability and tension in the region, and it is inevitable that this crisis will deepen.
History has demonstrated that the utilisation of such a crisis as a means of exerting influence and domination is an endeavor that is inseparably intertwined with its consequences.
This assertion holds true for all policies of appeasement.
In the context of domestic politics, the necessity of political organisation among forces supporting for democracy and justice in the country is vital.
The proliferation of disparate political groups and the absence of a unified national agenda have proven to be counterproductive. The experience of the Afghan people following the Soviet Union's withdrawal and the subsequent surrender of power to the Taliban on the 15th of August 2021 suggests that achieving liberating goals may require a unified and cohesive democratic organization.
The current situation in the country, characterised by the Taliban's tyrannical rule, suggests the importance of a unified and coordinated resistance effort various segments of society. This resistance could be considered as a liberation movement.
It is suggested that for liberation movements to be effective, they should possess clearly defined political programmes, organisational structures, and methods of struggle that align with prevailing political and military power relations.
It is vital to recognise that the establishment of such unity and alignment is vital for achieving victory and offering a compelling alternative to the prevailing authority. This alignment requires the capabilities of forces to stand before the people and proudly and honorably defend the legacy and positive experiences of their people's struggles, fighting alongside and leading the people, who must also place trust in them.
It is evident that only a tangible political force that has truly risen to an undeniable reality can capture the attention of the Afghan people and the international community.
The proposal is thus made for the decisive and specific establishment of a "People's National Assembly of Afghanistan," comprising men and women, as well as all political and social forces that believe in the independence, freedom, and territorial integrity of Afghanistan. A unified front of this kind could strive for an Afghanistan free from the scourges of terrorism, extremism, discrimination, illiteracy, and hostility to progress, and realise these goals on the ground.
The formation of a substantial, inclusive Afghan coalition within the framework of a homeland-wide political organisation could be a way forward.
Such a coalition could potentially facilitate the formation of a provisional government that is endorsed by the Afghan population and the global community.
It is therefore vital to pursue both peace and resistance, as it is widely acknowledged that warfare is a last resort and that peaceful struggle for noble goals is the essence of humanitarian values.
Nevertheless, it is acknowledged that, in certain instances, armed conflict is imposed upon populations with no recourse to counteraction.
The present struggle is pursued by Afghan people in the civil, political and peaceful sphere, with all efforts directed towards this objective. We are deeply grateful for the selfless sacrifices made by the brave and courageous individuals who have shaped our people's legacy of struggle, and we respectfully reject any attempts to dismiss or belittle this legacy.
Achieving our objective is dependent on our position within the vanguard of historical progress.
The struggle will continue until the dawn of freedom.
Thank you
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