
The World in Transition: Relevance of Nation State Concept in the Era of Global Interdependence

  Tuesday, January 23, 2018

By Gen. Rajiv Narayanan

**The contents of this piece were presented at the Herat Security Di...

The Illusion of Afghanistan’s Electoral Representative Democracy

  Sunday, January 14, 2018

By Professor Thomas H. Johnson

**This article is an excerpt of a paper published by Prof. Thomas Johnson with the same title (Small Wars & Insurgencies, vol. 29, 2018). The full article is availabl...

Public Councils as the Effective Means of Decentralization of Power in Democratic States

  Wednesday, December 20, 2017

By Slyamzhar Akhmetzharov

**The contents of this piece were presented at the Herat Security Dialogue – VI (13-1...

A Century After the Russian Revolution, How did Bukhara Immigrants Make Afghanistan`s Trade Global?

  Thursday, November 30, 2017

By Prof. Magnus Marsden

Several tombs of Afghanistan’s historic figures have been restored in recent years. In the Bagh-e Babur park – elegantly restored by the Aga Khan Foundation – lies the grave of Babur Shah, the Central Asian co...