پوشش رسانهای
The 7th Round of the Afghanistan-Pakistan Bilateral (Track II/ 1.5) Dialogue was concluded in Islamabad with a call on the immediate reopening of border crossing points between the two countries to remedy the emerging humanitarian crises. The 7th round of the dialogue held from 5-7 March, 2017 co-organized by AISS and the Regional Peace Institute (RPI) mainly focused on spread of religious extremist militancy, terrorism and the reported rise of Da’esh posing existential challenges to the region. It was emphasized that the institutions spreading the writ of terror should be proceeded against without any loss. The meeting reiterated the need for the gradual, voluntary and dignified return of the Afghan refugees and returnees. Similarly, both sides emphasized that the transit and trade agreements between Afghanistan and Pakistan should be implemented in totality and in accordance with international norms. The Afghan delegation comprised government officials, academics, professionals, civil society activists and think-tank researchers. The Pakistani side was represented by politicians, parliamentarians, former diplomats, army officers, academics, media representatives and think-tank representatives. The joint statement of the 7th round of the Af-Pak dialogue and the dialogue will report will become available soon. The first, second, third, fourth, fifth and sixth meetings were held in Islamabad (June 2015), Herat (October 2015), Islamabad (December 2015), Kabul (January 2016), Islamabad (May 2016) and Herat (October 2016) respectively.